About Ratings

If you haven't noticed the review rating system already, you probably haven't been reading the articles.

The ratings system works roughly as follows, ranging from 1/2 gauntlet to 5 gauntlets:

  • One Half / One Gauntlet: Bad beyond imagining; without any talent, aptitude or merit.
  • One And A Half / Two Gauntlets: Of mediocre quality; possessing some passing ability or merit without aspiring to new or interesting ideas.
  • Two And A Half / Three Gauntlets: Of moderate ability; average to passable; possessing some invention or new ideas that seperate it from completely mediocre material, though standing below "good."
  • Three And A Half / Four Gauntlets: Of good or high quality; featuring talent and excellent vision.
  • Four And A Half / Five Gauntlets: Excellent; amazingly enjoyable or near-perfect (if not perfect) in execution.

Some day we might change the rating system to something more interesting.

About Us

bwsupersmallRyan Speck - MediaGauntlet writer, editor & publisher
Ryan Speck is a sometimes writer, currently living in Seattle, WA, area. He doesn't do much anymore and no one particularly cares anyway. His website is ryanspeck.com, if you care for some reason.



Former contributors 

bwsteveSteven G. Saunders - Former MediaGauntlet writer & editor
Steve Saunders previously wrote for Comics Bulletin (formerly Silver Bullet Comic Books), where he crafted the last iteration of the "All The Rage" column, and was responsible for Orcusville, The Secret Cross, Salvus, and other comic projects. He is a fan of comics, as well as video games and even the occasional movie or television show. He wrote his Comics With Steve column for MediaGauntlet when he had the chance, aside from all his other writing and fatherly duties.



Richard Veino - Former MediaGauntlet contributing writer
Richard Veino has a deep love for manga and anime and, as such, was the resident MediaGauntlet Otaku, oddly enough also the name of his series of columns regarding the tropes and cliches of the Japanese arts. When not busy with work and his child, he tried to write a column or two for MediaGauntlet.


Michael Bailey - Former MediaGauntlet contributing writer and hosted podcaster
Michael Bailey is the creator of the Views From The Longbox podcast, formerly hosted here on MediaGauntlet, and occasionally even wrote an article. A long-time comic reader, music lover, and film-watcher, Michael also contributes to The Superman Homepage and The Superman Database, as well as keeping up the Views From The Longbox blog and his site The Fortress Of Baileytude.